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Community Medicine Foundation has announced it is leading a statewide effort to test students for sickle cell disease at eight South Carolina-based Historically Black Universities and Colleges (HBCUs), local schools, and members of local churches!
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MUSC researchers make strong advances toward better sickle cell treatments!

More than 4,000 people in South Carolina live with sickle cell disease. Thanks to an $11 million grant, researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina are making strong advances toward better treatments and cures for this painful disorder. 
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Benefits of Sickle Cell Testing in Athletes

Athletes and individuals engaged in physically demanding activities are at risk of sudden death due to a sickling crisis. Therefore, the NCAA mandates testing for sickle cell trait (SCT) or a waiver for college athletes.

Awareness of SCT status is crucial for athletes to pursue their sports careers safely!
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